Experience the power of creative self-expression to support emotional healing and personal growth through our one-of-a-kind classes.



All generations experience stress, but this time it's different. Loneliness, depression, anxiety, and stress are reaching record highs across all age groups. From young adults facing overwhelming pressure to employees struggling with burnout and seniors feeling isolated and forgotten, a public mental health crisis is unfolding. This isn't the time to face these challenges alone. That's why we're building a community wellness space dedicated to helping everyone achieve emotional and mental wellbeing through creative expression and play.

  • Global surveys show that 24% of both men and women report feeling very or fairly lonely.

  • 41% of young people aged 16 to 24 feel lonely. This is higher than any other age group.

  • 30% of adults will be diagnosed with depression at some point in their lifetime.

  • 19% of us were diagnosed with an anxiety disorder in the past year.

  • 37% of women and 30% of men report frequently experiencing high levels of anxiety.

  • Over a quarter of adults rate their stress levels as 8 or higher on a 10-point scale.


Statistics suggest that the answer is yes.

Art inspires, educates, unites, moves, heals. For centuries, creative expression has been an important bridge connecting us. From the catharsis of Greek tragedies to the emotional resonance of baroque masterpieces, and the viral power of contemporary street art movements, creativity is a powerful tool for understanding and exploring the human experience.

This connection isn't just external – it's also deeply personal. That's why art is the perfect medium for self-discovery and growth. When you embrace creative expression, something magical happens: your thoughts, feelings, and memories become engaged in ways distinct from other therapeutic tools and techniques.

Whether you want to spark more joy in your life, boost your self-esteem, find inner calm, learn strategies to better manage your emotions, or simply connect with like-minded people in your community, we’ll share with you evidence-based practices for self-empowerment and meaningful personal growth.


The universal language of art and creativity has fostered connection and wellbeing for millennia.


Researchers and clinicians have long known that weaving, drawing, sewing, scrapbooking, knitting and even gardening and baking are effective tools for decreasing stress, relieving anxiety, and improving depression. Creating something with your hands fosters pride and satisfaction, but it also allows you to physically express the complex thoughts and emotions within your mind.

The act of creating helps you develop Creative Capacity, a skill that involves accessing the deeper parts of your mind. When you tune in to your true feelings, desires, fears, and needs, you begin to uncover your authentic self, and life becomes richer as your mind generates new ideas and possibilities for moving forward.

As you start looking inward and tune into your inner wisdom, transformation happens, and your world begins to change. Fortunately, Creative Capacity exists in all of us. Whether your Creative Capacity is highly honed, needs some practice, or is rough and untouched, developing it holds the potential to guide you in the direction of your most inspiring and rewarding life.

"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."

– Pablo Picasso –


Our community wellness space is dedicated to helping you on your journey of self-exploration and personal growth. We love bringing people together and that's why our classes incorporate creative art-making, mindfulness, writing prompts, and evidence-based practices for a truly holistic approach to mental and emotional wellness.

The Art of Letting Go

Learn how creative self-expression can help you reclaim your personal power as you let go of what no longer serves you. In this class, you’ll explore The Art of Letting Go with the help of creative activities that will free your mind from the negative thoughts and emotions that are holding you back. An important part of growth is knowing what we need to invite into our lives and what we need to let go of. This is never an easy process, as past hurts and experiences can replay over and over again in our minds. Despite this challenge, creative self-expression is a powerful tool that can help you get in touch with your most important values and create a vision of where you would like to go. It’s impossible to move towards a different life until you begin the process of releasing what no longer serves you.

Coming Soon

The Art of Authenticity

Self-Directed Lesson and Exercise

Being authentic involves delving into our inner selves, understanding our motivations, and embracing uncomfortable truths, even when they reveal truths we would rather ignore. Despite these challenges, authenticity is fundamental to self-esteem, purpose, vitality, and the capacity to establish and achieve goals. It fosters adaptive coping mechanisms, enabling us to navigate life's obstacles without resorting to harmful behaviours or maladaptive coping mechanisms. In this self-directed art therapy lesson, you'll embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, delving deep into the essence of your authentic self. Through creative exploration and introspection, you'll uncover the transformative power of authenticity, laying the foundation for a life rich in purpose, vitality, and resilience.

Available May 23, 2024

The Art of Happiness

Coming Soon

Explore transformational creative exercises for unleashing greater happiness and joy in your life. In this class, you’ll explore The Art of Happiness through creative activities that are guaranteed to spark joy and boost your brain’s feel-good chemicals. When you think about happiness, art may not be the first thing that comes to mind, however, the field of positive psychology has uncovered a strong link between creativity and feelings of joy. It turns out that engaging in specific types of creative self-expression contributes to an upward spiral of positive emotions and feelings of wellbeing.

Overcoming Depression, Anxiety, and Worry with Mindfulness-Based Practices

In this self-guided course, you'll be introduced to a set of tools to combat depression, anxiety, worry, and stress. The insights and practices are drawn from several evidence-based therapies that include Metacognitive Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT). However, the core structure draws heavily on Metacognitive Therapy and mindfulness practices. This course will show you how to reshape your relationship with your thoughts and emotions in as little as 3 weeks and with just 20 minutes a day.

The Art of Inner Peace

Coming Soon

Discover simple, creative activities that will restore your inner balance and produce deep states of relaxation. In this class, you’ll explore The Art of Inner Peace with the help of creative activities that will connect you to the deep reservoir of calm and serenity that resides in each of us. Artistic expression is a profoundly meditative practice. When combined with mindfulness, creative self-expression can assist you in embracing attitudes of nonattachment and nonjudgment, and in developing greater compassion for yourself and others. Contrary to popular opinion, you don’t need to shut out every distraction to find inner peace. Through creative art-making you can learn how to easily tap into your inner state of calm one drawing at a time.

We believe art and creative self-expression have the power to transform your life and your community. But don’t take our word for it, let us show you instead. Our classes create a welcoming space for you to explore your rich inner world. Each class is divided into two parts. In the first part, we'll flex our creative muscles as a group with some fun and playful activities. It's a chance to explore and discover new dimensions of yourself as you tap into your hidden reservoirs of imagination and creativity.

In the second part, we'll focus on a central theme, and together, embark on a guided exercise that will take you down unexpected paths of exploration. Drawing, sculpting, collaging, and painting are just some of the expressive art forms we’ll be using. This is where the seeds planted during the initial creative burst begin to germinate. Through thought-provoking prompts, mindfulness exercises, and group sharing, you'll weave connections between your creative expressions and personal experiences.

Since each artistic work is unique and every experience authentic, our classes blend personal expression with meaningful self-discovery, creating an intimate and truly one-of-a-kind experience. And don’t worry, classes are open to everyone regardless of your creative or artistic ability. If you can draw a squiggle, you can begin to reconnect with your inner wisdom and transform your life.



I can't stress enough how much working with Ethan has changed my mental outlook for the better. Art therapy has this incredible ability to help you pour out your emotions in a safe and creative way. I'll never forget this one exercise he had me do with my husband. We had to team up and paint our idea of a perfect day. The finished piece was nothing short of beautiful! Ethan's guidance and teachings have been a lifeline for me during some tough times. I can't thank him enough for being that support when I really needed it.


- Roselyn G. -

“Art can permeate the very deepest part of us where no words exist.”

– Eileen Miller –


Start exploring the profound benefits of creative self-expression and begin your journey towards greater mental and emotional wellbeing.

Whether you're seeking relief from stress, a deeper understanding of yourself or are simply looking to connect with others from your community, let us show you how creativity mends.